Artillery Pro


This page describes various limits for Artillery Pro.

AWS Accounts

Only one Artillery Pro deployment per AWS account per active subscription is supported. For example, if Artillery Pro is deployed to us-west-1 in AWS account 9123412312345, it won't be possible to also create another Artillery Pro deployment in eu-west-1 in the same AWS account.

Note: Multi-region load tests can be run by using ECS/Fargate clusters in different regions. Drop us a line on if you need assistance with setting up a multi-region load test.

Supported Regions

Artillery Pro may be deployed in any of the following 16 AWS regions:

North America

  • us-east-1 - N. Virginia
  • us-east-2 - Ohio
  • us-west-1 - N. California
  • us-west-2 - Oregon
  • ca-central-1 - Canada (Central)


  • eu-west-1 - Ireland
  • eu-west-2 - London
  • eu-west-3 - Paris
  • eu-central-1 - Frankfurt

Middle East

  • me-south-1 - Bahrain


  • ap-south-1 - Mumbai
  • ap-east-1 - Hong Kong
  • ap-southeast-1 - Singapore
  • ap-southeast-2 - Sydney
  • ap-northeast-1 - Tokyo
  • ap-northeast-2 - Seoul

Cross-region testing is not supported for ap-east-1 or me-south-1 regions. Artillery Pro backend has to be deployed in ap-east-1 or me-south-1 to be able to run tests from that region.

This restriction does not apply to other regions, e.g. Artillery Pro backend deployed to us-east-2 may launch tests in ca-central-1, eu-west-2 or one of the other regions.

We're working on adding support for more AWS regions. If a region you need is not on the list, please let us know via