
Added inv2.0.0-36

This reporter supports sending metrics, events and traces to Dynatrace.

In order to enable the Datadog reporter set type to datadog as shown below:

    - type: datadog


By default, all Artillery metrics will be sent to Dynatrace. Each Artillery metric will create a custom Dynatrace metric, which will have an associated charge.

NOTE: If using metrics-by-endpoint plugin alongside this reporter, in order for all of your metrics to be ingested sucessfully, set useOnlyRequestNames to true (in metrics-by-endpoint's config) and provide the name for each of your requests. This is required as metrics-by-endpoint plugin by default creates metric names with characters that are not supported by Dynatrace (e.g. '/') and will be dropped on ingest. Keep Dynatraces metric key naming requirements (opens in a new tab) in mind when naming your requests and custom metrics as well.

For information on how to manage data ingested through the Dynatrace Metric API consult Dynatrace docs (opens in a new tab).

Configuration options

Example configuration
      - type: dynatrace
        # DT_API_TOKEN is an environment variable containing the API key
        apiToken: "{{ $env.DT_API_TOKEN }}"
        envUrl: "{{ $env.DT_ENVIRONMENT_URL }}"
        prefix: "artillery."
          - "service:my-service"
          - "host_id:"
apiToken (required)The access token (opens in a new tab). Must have the proper scopes assigned to it for the data type you are sending (metrics.ingest, events.ingest, and/or openTelemetryTrace.ingest).
envUrl (required)Set to your Dynatrace environment URL. For Managed, Dynatrace for Government or Environment ActiveGate this URL is https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id} ( In case of Environment ActiveGate {your-domain} represents your Activegate domain).For SaaS the URL is https://{your-environment-id}.live.dynatrace.com
prefixuse a prefix for metric names created by Artillery; defaults to artillery.
dimensionsa list of name:value strings to use as dimensions for all metrics sent during a test.
excludedA list of metric names which should not be sent to Dynatrace. Defaults to an empty list, i.e. all metrics are sent.
includeOnlyA list of specific metrics to send to Dynatrace. No other metrics will be sent. Defaults to an empty list, i.e. all metrics are sent.
eventSet to send a Dynatrace event when test starts/finishes. See event specific configuration
tracesSet to send traces to Dynatrace. See traces specific configuration


The reporter supports sending a New Relic event on test start and test finish. To enable set the event option and configure it with the accountId.

Configuration options

Example configuration
    - type: dynatrace
      apiToken: "{{ $env.DT_API_TOKEN }}"
      envUrl: "{{ $env.DT_ENVIRONMENT_URL }}"
        title: "Loadtest"
        entitySelector: "type(SERVICE),entityName.equals(MyService)"
          - "Tool:Artillery"
          - "Load per minute:100"
          - "Load pattern:production"
titleThe title of the event. Defaults to Artillery_io_Test.
eventTypeThe type of the event. It can be one of the values listed here (opens in a new tab). Defaults to CUSTOM_INFO
sendSet to false to turn off the event. By default, if event is configured, it will be sent. This option makes it possible to turn event creation on/off on the fly (e.g. via an environment variable)
propertiesOptional list of name:value strings to use as properties for events sent during a test.
By default Artillery sends the Target: <target set in the script config> and Phase: 'Test-Started' / 'Test-Finished' properties. Any properties set in script will be sent in addition to the default ones.
entitySelectorThe entity selector (opens in a new tab) string, defining a set of Dynatrace entities to be associated with the event. Only entities that have been active within the last 24 hours can be selected.


Added inv2.0.5

Powered by: OpenTelemetry reporter


Experimental This feature is under active development. We aim to keep it stable, but it may need to introduce breaking changes. Please open an issue (opens in a new tab) or discussion (opens in a new tab) for any feedback.

Dynatrace tracing feature is available for both HTTP and Playwright engines, and the tracing data available is different depending on the engine used.

An additional plugins.publish-metrics.spans.exported metric will be recorded and will appear in your reports when tracing is enabled. It represents the number of spans exported to Dynatrace.

Added inv2.0.9

Configuration options

To enable set the traces option in reporters configuration.

Example configuration
      - type: dynatrace
        apiToken: "{{ $env.DT_API_TOKEN }}"
        envUrl: "{{ $env.DT_ENVIRONMENT_URL }}"
          serviceName: service_name
          sampleRate: 0.5
            - pattern: get_user_[a-zA-Z0-9]+
              as: get_user_id
            - "testType:LoadTest"
            - "tool:Artillery"
serviceNameName of your service. Defaults to Artillery-test
sampleRateSample rate. Percentage of traces to send represented by a value between 0 and 1. (defaults to 1 - all traces are sent)
useRequestNamesIf set to true the request names provided in test script will be used as span names
attributesCustom attributes to be added to each span in key: value pair format.
Added inv2.0.9
A list of replacement maps that consist of:
pattern - regex pattern to match against the span names
as - string to replace the matched pattern in the span names


Set DEBUG=plugin:publish-metrics:dynatrace when running your tests to print out helpful debugging messages when sending metrics to Dynatrace

DEBUG=plugin:publish-metrics:dynatrace artillery run my-script.yaml