
run-aci - run an Artillery test on Azure ACI

artillery run-aci [options] <script>


Azure-specific options

--tenant-id <id>Azure tenant ID. Related environment variable: AZURE_TENANT_ID
--subscription-id <id>Azure subscription ID. Related environment variable: AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
--storage-account <name>Azure Storage account name. Related environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
--blob-container <name>Azure Blob Storage container name. Related environment variable: AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER
--resource-group <name>Azure Resource Group name. Related environment variable: AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP
--client-id <id>Azure client ID. Related environment variable: AZURE_CLIENT_ID
--client-secret <secret>Azure client secret. Related environment variable: AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
--region <region>The Azure region to run in. Defaults to eastus. See the full list of 48 supported regions.
--count <number>Number of workers to launch.
--memory <number>Amount of memory in GB per worker, between 1-16. Default: 8.
--cpu <number>Number of CPUs per worker, between 1-4. Default: 4.


The following example shows how to run a test on Azure with 10 workers in the eastus region.

Please see the Azure configuration guide for information on how to find and create values for client ID, client secret, Azure tenant ID, subscription ID, storage account, blob container, and resource group.

  • tenant-abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop is the placeholder Azure tenant ID
  • acme-inc-storage-account is the placeholder storage account name
  • artillery-test-data is a placeholder blob container name
  • ArtilleryIo is the placeholder resource group name
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop
artillery run-aci my-script.yml \
    --tenant-id tenant-abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop \
    --subscription-id subscription-abcd \
    --storage-account acme-inc-storage-account \
    --blob-container artillery-test-data \
    --resource-group ArtilleryIo \
    --region eastus \
    --count 10

Shared flags

The run-aci command shares many options with the run command:

--output, -oWrite a JSON report to a file
--environment, -eRun the test using the specified environment
--config, -cLoad config section from another file
Added inv2.0.0-38
Run only the specified scenario (exact match or regex)
--overridesOverride values in the test script dynamically
--target, -tSet or override target URL for the test
--variables, -vSet scenario variables dynamically
--dotenv <path>Set environment variables with a .env file
--quiet, -q
Added inv2.0.10
Run in quiet mode
--insecure, -kTurn off TLS verification. Should not be used in production
--name <value>
Added inv2.0.20
Set the name of the test run. This name will be shown in the Artillery Cloud dashboard and used to group multiple runs of the same test.
--record and --key
Added inv2.0.0-33
Record test run to Artillery Cloud (opens in a new tab). Learn more about recording test runs (opens in a new tab).