
fake-data - Use realistic fake data

This plugin allows you to use realistic fake data in your Artillery tests easily, by giving you access to most functions in the falso (opens in a new tab) library.

  • Please check the falso documentation for available functions;
  • The functions will be available to use as $<functionName> in your YAML (e.g. $randColor()) script;
  • Alternatively, they are also available within beforeRequest and beforeScenario hooks (e.g. context.vars.color = $randColor());
  • You can customise the function's behaviour by passing a configuration object to the plugin (equal to the argument of the function).

Known limitations



This plugin is under active development. We aim to keep it stable, but it may need to introduce breaking changes. Please open an issue (opens in a new tab) or discussion (opens in a new tab) for any feedback.

This plugin is only compatible with the http engine. This plugin is not compatible with before/after hooks.

  • Only falso functions that accept one argument (object) are supported;
  • If using the function in a hook, you still need to pass the configuration object through the plugin configuration.
  • If using the function in a hook, you will only be able to use with beforeRequest, afterResponse and function.


Basic Usage

First, enable the plugin in your Artillery config file.

    fake-data: {}

Then, the functions will be available to use in your YAML script.

  - name: 'Test with fake data'
      - post:
          url: '/user'
            name: '{{ $randFullName() }}'
            email: '{{ $randEmail() }}'
            password: '{{ $randPassword() }}'

Configuring specific functions

You can pass a configuration object to the plugin to customize the behavior of the specific functions. For example:

        size: 5

The above config will make the $randPassword() function generate passwords with 5 characters.

Usage with hooks

You can also use the functions in javascript hooks. They will be available under context.funcs. For example:

function myBeforeRequestHook(req, context, ee, next) {
  context.vars.password = context.funcs.$randPassword();

Please note that:

  • The function will only be available in the beforeRequest, afterResponse and function hooks.
  • You still need to pass the configuration object through the plugin configuration.