
Dashboard improvements

This update is focused on many small improvements to improve overall information density and make it easier to understand load testing activity at a glance, as well as to make it easier to analyze individual load test runs.

New features

Test list view

  • The results of checks can now be inspected inline. The count of notes added to a test will is now also shown inline. Load test checks showing inline
  • Elapsed time is now updated live for in-progress tests Elapsed time updating live
  • Display relative dates in the list view, and show the full timestamp on hover Relative timestamp display
  • Tests that run on AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate will now be shown with the appropriate icon for those services AWS Lambda and Fargate tests

Load test view

  • All timeseries charts will now overlay the name of the load phase and show absolute timestamps for X axis labels Overlaid load phase information
  • Add metric toggles to for hiding/showing specific aggregations on HTTP Latency Distribution widget HTTP latency toggles
  • Make metadata view more compact and easier to scan Metadata
  • Improve empty states on Checks, Metrics Explorer and Errors widgets Empty state on Checks widget
  • JSON reports can now be downloaded from the context menu Downloading JSON report

Bug fixes & Improvements

  • The list of tags will now show more tags by default to increase information density
  • The name tag is no longer shown in the list of tags (the name tag sets the name of the test shown in the list)
  • Match styling of tags in filter dropdown to styling used elsewhere in the UI
  • Fix a bug with date filter not always resetting the selected range as expected
  • Fix a bug in date filter where the displayed range could be off by one day
  • Fix a bug in date filter where future dates would be shown in date filter
  • Fix content overflow on Errors widget when there’s a lot of error data
  • Fix a bug where filtering by tags would not work correctly
  • Fix a bug where filtering by status would not work correctly for tests that included failed checks