
Artillery CLI v2.0.0-33

Artillery CLI v2.0.0-33

AWS Fargate support

This release adds support for running tests on AWS Fargate. Scale out your load tests horizontally from any of the six supported regions.

artillery run-fargate --count 10 --region us-east-1 my-script.yml

Supported regions:

  • us-east-1
  • us-west-1
  • eu-west-1
  • eu-central-1
  • ap-south-1
  • ap-northeast-1

AWS Fargate is a serverless solution that requires no infrastructure to be managed, and unlike AWS Lambda does not impose a restriction on the duration of your load tests.

Artillery’s Playwright integration is fully supported on Fargate, to let you run browser-based load tests at scale with ease.

Playwright support

Playwright support is now built into Artillery. The integration in artillery-engine-playwright is now bundled into the Artillery CLI.

  • The version of Playwright used by the integration has been updated to v1.3.4
  • Web Vitals tracking has been improved to provide more accurate measurements
  • Playwright scenario file may now be loaded via testFunction attribute rather than flowFunction
  • flow attribute may now be omitted in Playwright engine scenarios

Other fixes & improvements

  • Pass lambdaRoleArn to AWS Lambda engine correctly
  • Fix issue with returning matched groups from regexp capture
  • Track & report downloaded data in HTTP tests via http.downloaded_bytes metric
  • Environment variables may now be accessed through the special $env variable (the current way of accessing those via $processEnvironment is still supported but will be deprecated in future)
  • Dependency updates to address deprecation and security notices