Kubectl Artillery Plugin demo

Our new kubectl-artillery plugin helps developers and testers boostrap Artillery testing on Kubernetes.
See it in action in the video below. This video walks through:
- The k8s-testing-with-kubectl-artillery example.
- Scaffolding Artillery test-scripts from running Kubernetes services.
- Generating tests that target Kubernetes services.
- Running the generated tests.
To use the plugin we assume you have kubectl installed and some familiarity with Kubernetes in general.
Install the plugin by following the instructions here for your target OS.
Here’s an example of installing it on macOS (Darwin) amd64:
curl -L -o kubectl-artillery.tar.gz https://github.com/artilleryio/kubectl-artillery/releases/download/v0.2.2/kubectl-artillery_0.2.2_darwin_amd64_2022-05-11T16.49.36Z.tar.gz
tar -xvf kubectl-artillery.tar.gz
sudo mv kubectl-artillery /usr/local/bin
Cloud native testing for the win! 🔌☁️