
Chart improvements

Load summary widget

In order to enhance readability and efficiency, we have made the following updates to charts:

  • Add timestamp to chart tooltips
  • Improve color contrast for easier data comparison
  • Ensure consistent chart colors for each metric across different charts
  • Provide metric units on both chart axis and tooltips for better chart understanding
  • For charts with multiple axis, the axis takes the color of the metric it represents
  • Match the color of the chart series with metrics values on chart tooltips
  • Group Apdex metrics into one chart on Reports tab
  • Improve spacing around Page performance charts
  • Fix a bug with the Page performance widget that affected the formatting of the x-axis

Improve load phase visualization

We have also improved the design of load phases on all charts. Changes include:

  • Unnamed pause phases are now labeled as pause instead of phase #n
  • Differentiate the background of pause phases from regular load phases
  • Properly display gaps in data (e.g. pause phases)
  • Resolve an issue where load phase names made it difficult to click the reset zoom button

HTTP performance widget

We have introduced a new HTTP performance widget that displays information for all HTTP requests. This widget offers the following enhancements:

  • Display percentages and totals of HTTP requests by status code
  • Improve the design of HTTP response time distribution chart
  • Show the breakdown of response time distribution over time for individual URLs
  • Fix an issue with missing zero values on HTTP response time distribution chart